Pua, Andrew Adrian
Professional Title: Assistant Professor
Administrative Position:
Alma Mater: University of Amsterdam
Contact Information:
Business Address: B405
Office Hours:Send email to make an appointment
External Homepage: https://apsacad.neocities.org/
Research Papers
  1. Simultaneous equations for discrete outcomes: Coherence and completeness using panel data
  2. Should we use IV to estimate dynamic linear probability models with fixed effects?
  3. Practical aspects of using quadratic moment conditions in linear dynamic panel data models
  4. A test of normality using an entropy-based transformation
  5. Revisiting habits and heterogeneity in demands
  6. pdynmc: An R-package for estimating linear dynamic panel data models based on nonlinear moment conditions
  7. Large-n, large-T properties of an IV estimator based on the Ahn-Schmidt moment conditions
  8. The role of sparsity in panel data models
  9. Estimation and inference in dynamic nonlinear fixed effects panel data models by projection