Paper Publications
- [51] LIN Chen.GENIE: Large Scale Pre-training for Text Generation with Diffusion Model.arXiv,2022,
- [52] LIN Chen.Sentiment-Aware Word and Sentence Level Pre-training for Sentiment Analysis.arXiv,2022,
- [53] LIN Chen.Lightweight Unbiased Multi-teacher Ensemble for Review-based Recommendation.International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings,2022,4620-4624.
- [54] LIN Chen.Efficiently Answering k-hop Reachability Queries in Large Dynamic Graphs for Fraud Feature Extraction.Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management,2022-June238-245.
- [55] LIN Chen,Adaptive Code Learning for Spark Configuration Tuning.Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering,2022-May1995-2007.
- [56] LIN Chen.Neutralizing Popularity Bias in Recommendation Models.SIGIR 2022 - Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,2022,2623-2628.
- [57] LIN Chen,Shilling Black-box Recommender Systems by Learning to Generate Fake User Profiles.arXiv,2022,
- [58] LIN Chen,Hui Li,Shilling Black-Box Recommender Systems by Learning to Generate Fake User Profiles.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS,2021,1-15.
- [59] LIN Chen,A comparison of deep learning-based pre-processing and clustering approaches for single-cell RNA sequencing data.BRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS,2022,23(1):
- [60] LIN Chen,Characterizing viral circRNAs and their application in identifying circRNAs in viruses.BRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS,2022,23(1):