- 教师拼音名称: YY
- 所在单位: 信息学院
- 学历: 博士研究生毕业
- 性别: 男
- 学位: 工学博士学位
- 在职信息: 在职
- 王菡子,严严.Mode seeking on graphs for geometric model fitting via preference analysis.Pattern Recognition Letters,2015,
- 王菡子,严严.Mode-seeking on hypergraphs for robust geometric model fitting.Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,2016,11-18-December-20152902-2910.
- 王菡子,严严.Discriminative Weighted Sparse Partial Least Squares for Human Detection.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS,2015,17(4):1062-1071.
- 王菡子,严严.Rapid hypothesis generation by combining residual sorting with local constraints.Multimedia Tools and Applications,2016,1-20.
- 李绍滋,严严.Discriminative local collaborative representation for online object tracking.Knowledge-Based Systems,2015,
- 严严,王菡子,Quadratic projection based feature extraction with its application to biometric recognition.Pattern Recognition,2015,
- 严严.A low-complexity sensor fusion algorithm based on a fiber-optic gyroscope aided camera pose estimation system.Science China Information Sciences,2016,1-12.
- 王菡子,严严.Effective facial expression recognition via the boosted convolutional neural network.Communications in Computer and Information Science,546179-188.
- 王菡子,严严.Learning hough regression models via bridge partial least squares for object detection.Neurocomputing,2015,152236-249.
- 王菡子,严严.Robust visual tracking by metric learning with weighted histogram representations.Neurocomputing,2015,15377-88.