Chen Aizhen, He Muyuan, He Chengying, Does Quid Pro Quo Benefit SOE Innovation in China? Journal of Innovation & Knowledge,forthcoming.
“The High-quality Development of the countries along the Belt and Road”, Chinese Social Science Today, Feb 16, 2022.
"The Impact of Export Intensity on Upgrading of Industrial Structure from the Perspective of Resource Allocation" (with Yan Zhongxiao), Southeast Academic Research, 2022, 1: 170-181.
"How Does Industrial Overcapacity Affect Normal Firms’ Exports?" (with Ge Haiyan, He Chengying), Economic Perspectives, 2021, 7, 82-98; reprinted by Innovation Policy and Management, 2022, 1.
"Industry Chain Linkage and Firm’s Innovation" (with Chen Fenglan, He Chengying), China Industrial Economics, 2021, 9: 80-98.
"Research on the Development Mechanism of RCEP Regional Industrial Chain: On the Upgrading Path of China's Industrial Chain" (Chen Fenglan), The Economist, 2021, 6: 70-80.
" Major Risk Expectation, Enterprise Investment and Hedging Mechanisms " (with Chen Dong and Liu Zhibiao), China Industrial Economics, 2021, 2: 174-192; reprinted by Enterprise Management Research, 2021, 6.
"Opening of Foreign Investment, Urban Innovation Capability and Upgrading of Export Structure" (with Yan Zhongxiao and Bao Weirong), Journal of Zhengzhou University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2021, 6: 58-64.
" Resource Misallocation, Export Intensity and Product Quality" (with Yan Zhongxiao), Journal of Xiamen University (Arts and Social Sciences), 2020, 6: 91-104.
" M&As and Industrial Innovation ", Journal of Nanjing University (Philosophy and Society Edition), 2020, 5, 23-36.
"Constructing Industry-University-Research Cooperation and Innovation Mechanism Based on Industry Chain", China's National Conditions and National Strength, 2020, 7: 57-59.
"M&A Mode and Enterprise’s Innovation" (with Zhang Pengfei), China Industrial Economics, 2019, 12: 115-133; reprinted by Industrial Economics,2020, 5.
"Current Situation and Development Trend of Enterprise M&As", China's National Conditions and National Strength, 2019, 5: 23-25.
“GCV Embedding, Political Connection and Environmental Investment---- Evidence from Chinese Private Enterprises” (with Chen Dong), Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, 2018, 2: 69-83.
“The Industrial City’s Practice of Integrating “One Belt and OneRoad” Initiative” (with Zhong Luwen), Journal of Fujian Provincial Committee Party School of CPC, 2018, 3: 113-120.
“ Mode Selection for Enterprise Technological Innovation: Active Learning or Cooperation” (with Li Shun and Liu Chengyi), Southeast Academic Research, 2018, 1: 129-140.
“New Progress of Research on the Relationship between International Trade and Enterprise Productivity” (with Zou Wenying), Economic Perspectives, 2017, 8: 135-146.
“Promoting Structural Optimization Adjustment with the Perspective of Global Value Chain”, Anhui Daily, Nov 11, 2017.
“Guiding Mergers and Acquisitions to Promote the Conversion of Robot Value Chain”, China National Conditions and Strength, 2017, 9: 56-58.
“Technology Import and Independent Innovation: An Analysis Based on Global Value Chain”(with Li Shun), China National Conditions and Strength, 2017, 2: 57-59.
“The Transformation Way of Study and Imitation to the Independent Innovation”, Robot Industry, 2016, 1: 98.
“How to Study Innovation-driven Development of Chinese Economics”, Reform, 2016, 4: 141-148.
“Promoting Innovation Strategy by Mergers and Acquires: The Breakthrough of China’s Industrial Dilemma Based on Global Value Chains.”(with Liu Zhibiao), Academic Monthly, 2016, 12: 63-74.
“Limitations of the Dual Network of Labor –Division for Innovation in China’s Machinery Industry” (with Liu Zhibiao and Zhang Shaojun), Journal of Xiamen University (Art and Social Sciences), 2016, 3: 10-20.
“Promote the Upgrading of Low-end Industries in Jiangsu through technological and equipment upgrades”, Yangtze IDEI, August 31, 2016. https://idei.nju.edu.cn/1a/83/c26392a531075/pagem.htm
“Does the Strategy of Import Promotion Contribute to the Development of China’s Industrial Technology?” (with Liu Zhibiao), Economic Perspectives, 2015, 9: 63-74.
“Planning the Cross Border Free Trade Area between Fujian and Taiwan”(with Chen Mingsen), China Policy Review, 2015, 11: 100-102.
“Reconstructing the Value Chain to Promote the Innovation and Development of Equipment Manufacturing”, China National Conditions and Strength, 2015, 12: 17-18.
“Has the International Trade of Chinese Equipment Manufacturing Industry Promoted its Technological Development: Panel Data Analysis Based on DEA” (with Zhong Guoqiang), The Economist, 2014, 5: 43-53.
“Free Trade Pilot Zone: Second Season of China’s Opening Economy”(with Liu Zhibiao), Academic Monthly, 2014, 1: 20-28.
“Estimating the Income and Wealth Distribution Effects of Administrative Monopoly in China” (with Liu Zhibiao), The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics,2013, 10: 63-78.
“Whether Chinese Firms Prefer the Network of International Division of Labor” (with Zhang Shaojun and Chen Mingsen), Statistical Research,2013,7: 64-71.
“On the Path toward Technological Innovation of Machinery Industry in the Global Competition: An Analysis in the Perspective of Global System of Labor Division”, Journal of Nanjing University (Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences), 2013, 3: 15-24.
“Binding Constraint of Downstream Controlled Technical Standards on Self-innovation of Machinery Industries: Analysis Based on China’s Telecommunication Equipment Manufacturing Industry”, Economic Management, 2012, 4: 29-38.
“Has the Mechanism of ‘Import in order to Export’ Evolved in China’s Equipment Manufacturing Industry?”(with Zhong Guoqiang), Asia-pacific Economic Review, 2012, 5: 122-128.
“Upgrading Constraints and Breakthrough of China's Equipment Manufacturing Industries under Global Competition,” Economic Science Press, Beijing, 2012.
“Upgrading Expectation, Decision-making Perferences and Industrial Vertical Upgrading: Empirical Analysis Based on Data of Listed Companies in China’s Manufacturing Industries” (with Chen Mingsen and Zhang Wengang), China Industiral Economics, 2012, 2:26-36.
“Industrial Transfer, Industrial Upgrading and Regional Integration in Economic Zone on the Western Coast of the Taiwan Straits” (with Chen Mingsen), China Yanshi Press, Beijing, 2011.
“Determinants of Chinese Machinery Industries’ Position in GVCs: Based on Input-output Empirical Analysis of Divided Industries” (with Liu Zhibiao), International trade issues, 2011, 4:115-125.
“Gradient Transmission of Industry Spread Effect of International Industry Transfer in China: The Input-output Empirical Analysis in View of Opening Degree” (with Chen Mingsen and Zhao Fuzhan), Economics Management, 2011, 6: 29-35.
“Balanced and Convergent Development of Chinese Local Dualistic Clusters: Study on Going Bankrupt and Suspending Business of Firms in Clusters Triggered by the Financial Crisis” (with Chen Mingsen), Asia-pacific Economic Review, 2011, 2:118-124.
“The Effect of Self-reliant Innovation Policy in Facilities Manufacturing Industries,” Economic Issues in China, 2010, 4: 50-54.
“Theory and Practice of Production-Learning-Research Link Impulse Mechanism in the West and Its Enlightenment on China,” (with Liu Zhibiao), Contemporary Finance&Economics, 2010, 4:63-70.
“Traditional Pattern of Joining Global Competition of China’s Machinery Industries and the Breakthrough Path”, (with Chen Mingsen), Asia-pacific Economic Review, 2009, 5: 80-84+96.
“Globalization, Export-oriented Economic Development in Eastern China: Theoretical Analysis and Strategic Adjustments,” (with Liu Zhibiao and Zhang Jie), China Financial and Economic Press, Beijing, 2009.
“The Path and Mechanism of the Manufacturing Industry in Yangtze River Delta to Rise to High-end of Value Chain,” (with Liu Zhibiao and Jiang Jing), Economic Science Press, Beijing, 2009.
“New Theory of Urbanization in China,” (with Chen Yongjun and Jing Puqiu), The Commercial Press, Beijing, 2009.
“The Path to Enhance the Competitiveness of China's Equipment Manufacturing Industries under the Background of Global Competition,” (with Chen Mingsen), Comprehensive competition, 2009, 10:64-68.
“An Analysis of Dual Deviation of the Local Industrial Cluster Upgrading and Its Contributing Factors: Exemplified by Industrial Cluster Upgrading in the Economic Zone on the West Coast of the Taiwan Straits” (with Chen Mingsen), Southeast Academic Research, 2009, 1:121-132.
“The Market Restriction of the Downstream Industries’ Dynamic Technological Introduction to Machinery Industry’s Upgrading” (with Liu Zhibiao and Wu Fuxiang), Management World, 2008, 2: 72-81.
“Restriction on and Breakthrough in Innovation of China’s Machinery Industry: A Study Based on the Competition in GVCs,” Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences), 2008, 1:36-45.
“Will FDI Restrict Independent Innovation of Indigenous Machinery Firms? : From the Perspective of Industry Chains and Value Chains,” (with Liu Zhibiao), Finance and Trade Economics, 2008, 1: 121-126.
“The Formation and Nature of Competition of Tthree-dimensional Market Structure in China,” Economic Issues in China, 2007, 6:43-47.
“China’s Administrative Monopoly: the Game of the Interest Holders and the Trend of Generalization of the Carrier” (with Liu Zhibiao),