Book Chapters
Ding, J.X., B.A., McCarl, and W.W. Wang, “Moving Beyond the Farm: Representing Farms in Regional Modelling”, Farm Level Modelling: Techniques, Application and Policy, Edited by Shailesh Shrestha and others, Forthcoming.
McCarl, B.A., S.J. Cho, J.X. Ding, and C.H. Yu, “Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture: Adaptation and Vulnerability”, Climate Change – Socioeconomic Effects, Edited by Juan Blanco and Houshang Kheradmand, Chapter 16, SBN978-953-411-5, Hard Cover, 454 Pages, Published by InTech, September 2011.
Working Papers
"Impacts of and Adaptation to Increases in Edwards Aquifer Drought Frequency"
"Inter-Decadal Climate Variability in the Edwards Aquifer: Regional Impacts of DCV on Crop Yields and Water Use"
"Impact Analysis of Decadal Climate Variability on Crop Yields in the Marias River Basin"