Paper Publications
- [21] HSH.A Lightweight Transformer-Based Approach of Specific Emitter Identification for the Automatic Identification System.IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,181-1.
- [22] HSH.Underwater DOA estimation based on cross-correlation domain for relocating improved nested array (vol 128, 103606, 2022).Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal,2023,137
- [23] HSH,Direction-of-arrival estimation based on difference-sum co-array of a special coprime array.ELECTRONICS LETTERS,2022,59(2):
- [24] HSH.Channel Attention Mechanism-based Multi-Feature Fusion Network for Specific Emitter Identification.Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Civil Aviation Safety and Information Technology, ICCASIT 2022,1325-1328.
- [25] HSH.A Method for Cross-receiver Specific Emitter Identification Based on CBAM-CNN-BDA.Proceedings of 2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Civil Aviation Safety and Information Technology, ICCASIT 2022,1320-1324.
- [26] HSH,Global Design of Double Protograph LDPC Codes for Joint Source-Channel Coding.IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS,2022,27(2):424-427.
- [27] HSH,SHX,Real Signal DHT-OFDM With Index Modulation for Underwater Acoustic Communication.IEEE JOURNAL OF OCEANIC ENGINEERING,2021,1-14.
- [28] HSH.A Viterbi Decoder under Class A Modeled Noise in Shallow Water.Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing,2022
- [29] HSH.Underwater DOA estimation based on cross-correlation domain for relocating improved nested array.Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal,2021,128
- [30] HSH.A Novel Edge Connection Optimizing Scheme for DP-LDPC Codes.2022 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2022,