Paper Publications
- [1] HSH.Smart Secure Authentication Sensing for Maritime Traffic: Sensor Individual Recognition Perspective.IEEE Sensors Journal,24(15):1-1.
- [2] HSH.DBVS-APF-RRT*: A global path planning algorithm with ultra-high speed generation of initial paths and high optimal path quality.Expert Systems with Applications,2024,249
- [3] SHX,HSH.Ocean-Current-Motion-Model-Based Routing Protocol for Void-Avoided UASNs.JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2023,12(4):
- [4] SHX,HSH.A DOA Estimation Method Based on an Improved Transformer Model for Uniform Linear Arrays with Low SNR.IET SIGNAL PROCESSING,2024,2024
- [5] HSH.Survey of Transmission Coding Theory on Physical Layer for Wireless Body Area Network: Optimal Design of Low-Density Parity-Check Code.Dianzi Yu Xinxi Xuebao/Journal of Electronics and Information Technology,2022,45(8):2818-2827.
- [6] HSH.Atomic Norm-Based Joint Delay-Doppler Shift Estimation for OFDM Passive Radar.IEEE Signal Processing Letters,311-5.
- [7] HSH.A Class-Incremental Approach With Self-Training and Prototype Augmentation for Specific Emitter Identification.IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,191-1.
- [8] HSH.Enhanced Dilated Nested Arrays With Reduced Mutual Coupling for DOA Estimation.IEEE Sensors Journal,24(1):1-1.
- [9] HSH.Design of relocating sparse nested arrays for DOA estimation of non-circular signals.AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications,2023,173
- [10] HSH.A Novel Probabilistic Shaping Scheme for 16QAM Modulated Polar Codes.Proceedings - 2023 2nd International Joint Conference on Information and Communication Engineering, JCICE 2023,60-65.