Paper Publications
- [51] XWK,HSH.An M-ary code shifted differential chaos shift keying scheme.2017 23rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications: Bridging the Metropolitan and the Remote, APCC 2017,2018,2018-January1-6.
- [52] HSH,Performance analysis and optimisation for edge connection of JSCC system based on double protograph LDPC codes.IET COMMUNICATIONS,2018,12(2):214-219.
- [53] HSH,Protograph LDPC Based Distributed Joint Source Channel Coding.Dianzi Yu Xinxi Xuebao/Journal of Electronics and Information Technology,2017,39(11):2594-2599.
- [54] HSH,Low-complexity direct computation algorithm for cubic-spline interpolation scheme.Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation,2017,50159-166.
- [55] HSH.Reliability Oriented Decoding Strategy for LDPC Codes Based D-JSCC System.IEEE Communications Letters,2017,
- [56] HSH,Mathematical analysis for CSI scheme with the interpolation kernel size increased.IET IMAGE PROCESSING,2016,11(8):595-604.
- [57] HSH,Protograph LDPC-Based Distributed Joint Source-Channel Coding.2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (ICCS),
- [58] HSH.Generation of Long Perfect Gaussian Integer Sequences.IEEE Signal Processing Letters,2016,24(4):515-519.
- [59] HSH,Protograph LDPC-based distributed joint source-channel coding.2016 IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems, ICCS 2016,2017,
- [60] HSH,Improved Nonlinear Resolution Enhancement based on Laplacian Pyramid.2016 16TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (ISCIT),146-150.