Office Hours:Tuesday 12:10-14:10

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Qz5qu-QAAAAJ&hl=en

Publications in English Academic Journals

1. "A Hedonic Price Model to Recover Marginal Willingness to Pay for Product Attributes in the Presence of Market Power" (with Ju-Chin Huang), Land Economics, accepted.

2. "The Reallocation Effect of Emissions Cap-and-Trade: Evidence from China" (with Ohyun Kwon and Hao Zhao), Canadian Journal of Economics, accepted.

3. "Selection Efficiency in Multiple-Prize Tournaments with Sabotage" (with Baoting Huang, and Shao-Chieh Hsueh), The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, vol. 25, no. 1, 2025, pp. 1-36.

4. "Polarization of Employment and Wages in China" (with Belton M. Fleisher, William H. McGuire, and Yaqin Su), Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, vol. 32, Issue 1, January 2024, pp. 49-71.

5. "Induced Innovation and Its Impact on Productivity Growth in China: A Latent Variable Approach" (with K. K. Gary Wong), Empirical Economics 65, 2023, pp. 371-399.

6. "Global Firms and Emissions: Investigating the Dual Channels of Emissions Abatement" (with Ohyun Kwon and Hao Zhao), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 118, March 2023, 102772.

7. "Government Policy and Land Price Dynamics: A Quantitative Assessment of China's Factor Market Reforms" (with Vipul Bhatt and Mouhua Liao), Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 98, January 2023, 103854.

8. "Technical Progress and Induced Innovation in China: A Variable Profit Function Approach" (with K. K. Gary Wong, Belton M. Fleisher, and William H. McGuire), Journal of Productivity Analysis, vol. 57, 2022, pp. 177-191.

9. "Induced Innovation: Evidence from China’s Secondary Industry" (with Belton Fleisher, William McGuire and Xiaojun Wang), Applied Economics, vol. 53, no. 52, 2021, pp. 6075-6093.

10. "Economy-Wide Modeling, Environmental Macro-Economics, and Benefit Cost Analysis" (with V. Kerry Smith), Land Economics, vol. 96, no. 3, August 2020, pp. 305-332 (lead article).

11. Editorial: "Modelling Knowledge and Innovation Spillovers in China" (with Jouke van Dijk), Spatial Economic Analysis 15, Issue 1, 2020, pp. 1-4.

12. "The Rise of Services: the Role of Skills, Scale, and Female Labor Supply" (with Francisco Buera and Joe Kaboski), Journal of Human Capital 13, No. 2, Summer 2019, pp. 157-187.

13. "Bride Drain: An Unintended Consequence of China's Urban-Rural Divide" (with Lei Meng), Labour Economics 58, June 2019, pp. 69-80.

14. "The Representative Consumer Approximation Bias in Discrete Choice Welfare Analysis" (with Ju-Chin Huang), Environmental and Resource Economics 71, Issue 4, December 2018, pp. 969-984.

15. "Permanent and Temporary Rural-Urban Migration in China: Evidence from Field Surveys" (with Lei Meng), China Economic Review 51, October 2018, pp. 228-239.

16. "Valuing Environmental Resources through Demand for Related Commodities" (with Ju-Chin Huang, Daigee Shaw and Yu-Lan Chien), American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98, Issue 1, January 2016, pp. 231-253.

17. "Joint Migration Decisions of Married Couples in Rural China" (with Lei Meng and Dewi Silvany Liwu), China Economic Review 38, April 2016, pp. 285-305.

18. "Model Selection and Misspecification in Discrete Choice Welfare Analysis" (with Ju-Chin Huang), Applied Economics 47, Issue 39, 2015, pp. 4153-4167.

19. "Impacts of Property Taxation on Residential Real Estate Development" (with Richard England and Ju-Chin Huang), Journal of Housing Economics 22, Issue 1, March 2013, pp. 45-53.

20. "Human Capital, Economic Growth, and Regional Inequality in China" (with Belton Fleisher and Hai Zheng Li), Journal of Development Economics 92, Issue 2, July 2010, pp. 215-231.

21. "Economic Valuation of Beach Erosion Control" (with Ju-Chin Huang and Joan Poor), Marine Resource Economics 22, No. 3, 2007, pp. 221-238.

22. "Assessing the Distributive Impact of a Revenue–Neutral Shift from a Uniform Property Tax to a Two-Rate Property Tax with a Uniform Credit" (with Richard England), National Tax Journal 58, No. 2, June 2005, pp. 247-260.

Publications in Chinese Academic Journals

23. "Why Is the Price Disparity Between Residential and Industrial Land Prices Widening?" joint with Mouhua Liao and Guangliang Yang, China Economic Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 3, May 2024, pp. 944-961. 为什么住宅用地与工业用地的价格差距不断扩大? 合作作者: 廖谋华和杨广亮, 经济学(季刊), 第24卷第3期, 2024年5月, 944-961。

Publications in Book Chapters (Original)

24. "Residential Water Management: An Economic Perspective on Policy Instruments" (with V. Kerry Smith), in Ariel Dinar and Kurt Schwabe (eds), Handbook of Water Economics, Edward Elgar, September 2015, pp. 103-125.

25. "A Combined Conjoint-Travel Cost Demand Model for Measuring the Impact of Erosion and Erosion Control Programs on Beach Recreation" (with Ju-Chin Huang, George Parsons and Joan Poor), in Timothy C. Haab, Ju-Chin Huang, and John C. Whitehead (eds), Preference Data for Environmental Valuation: Combining Revealed and Stated Approaches, Routledge, March 2011, pp. 115-138.

Research Report

Report for the World Bank, "Regional Disparity of Industrial Development and Productivity in China" (with Belton Fleisher and Hai Zheng Li), August 2005.