[16]Ni X, Wang Y, Yin D. The market for corporate control and firm information environment: Evidence from five decades of data. Journal of Banking and Finance, 2025, 171: 107350.
[15]Ni X, Peng Y, Shen J, Vigne S, Wang N. Available-for-sale is available for hoarding: When nonfinancial firms hold financial assets. Journal of Banking and Finance, 2025, 171: 107348.
[14]John K, Ni X*, Zhang C. Does accelerated patenting information dissemination affect managers' (un)ethical behavior? Evidence from the American Inventor's Protection Act and crash risk. Journal of Business Ethics, 2025, forthcoming.
[13]Li Z, Liu C, Ni X, Pang J. Stock market liberalization and corporate investment revisited: Evidence from China. Journal of Banking and Finance, 2024, 158: 107053.
[12]Ni X*, Yin D. Is institutional common ownership commonly priced? Insights from the cost of equity capital. Journal of Banking and Finance, 2023, 155: 106990.
[11]Jin L, Li Z, Lu L, Ni X*. Does stock market rescue affect investment efficiency in the real sector? Journal of Financial Markets, 2023, 65: 100859.
[10]Gu L, Li J, Ni X*, Peng Y. The long shadow beyond lockdown: Board chairs' professional pandemic experiences and corporate investments. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2023, 214: 522-541.
[9]Lin T, Liu J, Ni X*. Foreign bank entry deregulation and stock market stability: Evidence from staggered regulatory changes. Journal of Empirical Finance, 2022, 69: 185-207.
[8]Gu M, Li D, Ni X*. Too much to learn? The (Un)intended consequences of RegTech development on mergers and acquisitions.Journal of Corporate Finance, 2022, 76: 102276.
[7]Ni X, Wang Y, Yin D. Does modern information technology attenuate managerial information hoarding? Evidence from the EDGAR implementation.Journal of Corporate Finance, 2021, 71: 102100.
[6]Ni X, Song W, Yao J. Stakeholder orientation and corporate payout policy: Insights from state legal shocks. Journal of Banking and Finance, 2020, 121: 105970.
[5]Ni X, Peng Q, Yin S, Zhang T. Attention! Distracted institutional investors and stock price crash.Journal of Corporate Finance, 2020, 64: 101701.
[4]Fairhurst D, Liu Y, Ni X*. Employment protection and tax aggressiveness: Evidence from wrongful discharge laws.Journal of Banking and Finance, 2020, 119: 105907.
[3]Ni X*, Yin S. The unintended real effects of short selling in an emerging market.Journal of Corporate Finance, 2020, 64: 101659.
[2]Ni X. Does stakeholder orientation matter for earnings management: Evidence from non-shareholder constituency statutes.Journal of Corporate Finance, 2020, 62: 101606. (sole author)
[1]Ni X, Yin S. Shareholder litigation rights and the cost of debt: Evidence from derivative lawsuits.Journal of Corporate Finance, 2018, 48: 169-186.
[20]Liu X, Ni X, Qiu Z, Xiang W, Zhang K. Like a moth to a flame: Do stock market bubbles exacerbate credit risks of peer‐to‐peer lending?. European Financial Management, 2025, forthcoming.
[19]Ni X*, Jin Q. Institutional investors' limited attention and stock price informativeness in emerging markets: Evidence from China. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2024, 84: 102285.
[18]Liu J, Ni X*. Ordeal by innocence in the big-data era: Intended data breach disclosure, unintended real activities manipulation. European Financial Management, 2024, 30(1): 129-163.
[17]Zhang H, Boubaker S, Ni X*. Litigating payouts or not? Evidence from universal demand laws. International Review of Economics and Finance, 2024, 90: 136-153.
[16]Ding H, Liu C, Ni X*. Creditor protection and labor investment efficiency: Evidence from China. Finance Research Letters, 2023, 58: 104680.
[15]Ni X, Xu H. Are short selling threats beneficial to creditors? Insights from corporate default risk. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2023, 81: 102117.
[14]Zhang H, Ni X*, Jin Q. Litigating crashes? Insights from security class actions. Accounting and Finance, 2023, 63: 2935-2963.
[13]Ni X. How can local policy uncertainty encourage firm innovation: A competitive advantage channel.Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 2023, 52(1): 35-62. (sole author)
[12]Ni X, Jin Q, Huang K. Environmental regulation and the cost of debt: Evidence from the Carbon Emission Trading System Pilot in China. Finance Research Letters, 2022: 103134.
[11]Gu L, Ni X*, Tian G. Controlling shareholder expropriation and labor investment efficiency. International Review of Economics and Finance, 2022, 82: 261-274.
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[9]Huang J, Chen Y, Dai X, Ni X*. Stock market liberalisation and corporate cash holdings: Evidence from China.Accounting and Finance, 2022, 62: 1925-1955.
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[4]Ni X. Local official turnover, ownership, and firm cash holdings: Insights from an emerging market.European Financial Management, 2019, 25: 1013-1046. (sole author)
[3]Ni X*, Zhang H. Mandatory corporate social responsibility disclosure and dividend payouts: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment.Accounting and Finance, 2019, 58: 1581-1612.
[2]Ni X*, Zhu W. The bright side of labor protection in emerging markets: The case of firm transparency.Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2018, 50: 126-143.
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[15]彭俞超,倪骁然*,沈吉. 企业脱实向虚与金融市场稳定:基于股价崩盘风险的视角. 经济研究, 2018,10:50-66.
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[10]倪骁然,顾明.资本市场国际影响力提升效应研究:来自A股纳入明晟(MSCI)新兴市场指数的证据. 金融研究, 2020 (5):189-206.
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[8]倪骁然*,朱玉杰. 卖空压力影响企业的风险行为吗:来自A股市场的经验证据. 经济学(季刊),2017,16(3):1173-1198.
[7]倪骁然,朱玉杰. 劳动保护、劳动密集度与企业创新:来自2008年《劳动合同法》实施的证据. 管理世界, 2016 (7):154-167.
[6]倪骁然,黄琨皓,彭俞超. 流动性价值支撑与企业融资需求——兼论流动性合理充裕的意义. 金融评论,2024,(02): 34-49+155-156.
[5]许红梅,倪骁然*.社会保险征管、企业经营压力与股价崩盘风险. 金融学季刊, 2023,17(04): 177-198.
[4]刘津宇,倪骁然*,姜磊. 税制改革能否改善上市企业的短视动机:基于研发创新和盈余管理视角. 金融学季刊, 2020, 14(2): 25-54.
[3]倪骁然*,孟庆斌. 卖空机制引入与上市企业债务成本:来自准自然实验的证据. 金融学季刊, 2019, 13(4): 47-74.
[2]张惠琳,倪骁然*. QFII 持股如何影响企业创新:来自上市企业专利及研发的证据. 金融学季刊, 2017,11(2):1-29.
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