吴梅红,Adding irrelevant information to the content prime reduces the prime-induced unmasking effect on speech recognition.[J].Hearing Research,283((1-2)):136-143.
吴梅红,Effects of aging on the ability to benefit from prior knowledge of message content in masked speech recognition.[J].Speech Communication,54(4):529-542.
Meihong Wu,老龄化对F0轮廓线索在汉语言语识别去掩蔽作用的影响.心理学报,2022,55(01):94-105.
Meihong Wu.A Computational Model for Evaluating Transient Auditory Storage of Acoustic Features in Normal Listeners.Sensors,2022,22(13):
Meihong Wu,A dataset of ant colonies motion trajectories in indoor and outdoor scenes for social cluster behavior study.arXiv,2022,
Meihong Wu,Swarm behavior tracking based on a deep vision algorithm.arXiv,2022,
Meihong Wu.An EEG Classification-Based Method for Single-Trial N170 Latency Detection and Estimation.Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine,2022
嘈杂混响环境下老龄知觉整合去掩蔽能力的研究,在研,Meihong Wu,
基于自然言语驱动的听觉脑机接口范式研究,在研,Meihong Wu,