
- 教师英文名称:Meihong Wu
- 所在单位:信息学院
- 其他任职:厦门大学言语听觉实验室主任
- 2014-06曾获荣誉当选:厦门市“双百计划”人才
- 2014-02曾获荣誉当选:福建省新世纪优秀人才
[11]吴梅红.Identification of Abnormal Knee Joint Vibroarthrographic Signals Based on Fluctuation Features.2014 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING AND INFORMATICS (BMEI 2014),318-322.
[12]Measuring signal fluctuations in gait rhythm time series of patients with Parkinson's disease using entropy parameters.Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,2017,31265-271.
[13]Quantification of knee vibroarthrographic signal irregularity associated with patellofemoral joint cartilage pathology based on entropy and envelope amplitude measures.Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,2016,1301-12.
[14]Analysis and Classification of Stride Patterns Associated with Children Development Using Gait Signal Dynamics Parameters and Ensemble Learning Algorithms.BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,
[15]Improving tRNAscan-SE Annotation Results via Ensemble Classifiers.MOLECULAR INFORMATICS,2014,34(11-12):761-770.
[16]Representation of fluctuation features in pathological knee joint vibroarthrographic signals using kernel density modeling method.Medical Engineering and Physics,2014,36(10):1305-1311.