Menghan Xu
Professional Title: Associate professor
Administrative Position: 系副主任
Alma Mater: University of California, Los Angeles
Contact Information: xumh[at]
Business Address: Economics Building B-313
Office Hours:By appointment
External Homepage:
Research Papers


  • Search frictions in many-to-one markets, Journal of Industrial Economics, forthcoming.
  • Prioritized organ donation allocation rules under compatibility constraints, with Mengling Li and Yohanes E. Riyanto, Games and Economic Behavior 141 (2023): 403-427.
  • Remedying adverse selection in donor-priority rule using freeze period: theory and experiment, with Mengling Li and Yohanes E. Riyanto, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 194 (2022): 384-407.
  • Organ donation with vouchers, with Jaehong Kim and Mengling Li, Journal of Economic Theory 191 (2021): 105159.

Working Papers

  • Priority search with outside options, with Jaehong Kim and Mengling Li, Theoretical Economics, revise and resubmit.
  • Non-linear pricing with reneging, with Yujing Xu.
  • Monopolistic screening with limited enforcement.