Education 教育经历:
Ph.D., Economics, The Ohio State University, May 2016
M.A., Economics, The Ohio State University, August 2011
M.A., Economics, Peking University, July 2010
B.S., Mathematics and Physics, Tsinghua University, July 2008
Research interest 研究兴趣: Econometric Theory, Spatial Econometrics, Network Econometrics, Bayesian Estimation, Financial Network
Teaching 教学: Advanced Econometrics II, Real Analysis, Mathematical Statistics, Large Sample Theory
For future students: My research fields are the estimation, theory, and applications of spatial and network econometrics. Please allow me to have a probation period of 3-6 months for you. Here are my requirements for potential graduate students:
1 Be self-motivated.
2 Be perseverant.
3 Be concentrated.
4 You MUST NOT make political mistakes, and MUST follow academic integrity.
5 You should have strong stress resistance.
6 I hope that you master mathematical analysis, linear algebra, probability theory, and real analysis well, and have some programming experience.