Zheng Tingguo, Guo Huiming, 2013, "Estimating a Small Open Economy DSGE Model with Indeterminacy: Evidence from China", Economic Modeling, forthcoming.
Zheng Tingguo, Zuo Haomiao, 2013, "Reexaming the Time-Varying Volatility Spillover Effects: A Markov Switching Causality Approach", North American Journal of Economics & Finance (SSCI), forthcoming.
Zheng Tingguo, Wang Xia, Guo Huiming, 2012, "Estimating Forward-Looking Rules for China's Monetary Policy: A Regime-Switching Perspective",China Economic Review (SSCI), 23, 47-59. Appendix and data files (.zip)
Song Tao, Zheng Tingguo, 2011, "An Examination on Environmental-Economic Relations in China with Nonlinear Specifications", Management and Service Science (MASS), 2011 International Conference on August, 2011. (ISTP & EI)
Zheng Tingguo, Teng Yujuan, Song Tao, 2010, "Business Cycle Asymmetry in China: Evidence from Friedman’s Plucking Model", China & World Economy (SSCI), 18(4), 103-120.
Song Tao, Zheng Tingguo*, Tong Lianjun, 2008, "An Empirical Test of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in China: A Panel Cointegration Approach", China Economic Review (SSCI), 19, 381-392. (*Corresponding author)
Liu Jinquan, Zheng Tingguo, Sui Jianli, 2008, "Dual long memory of inflation and test of the relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty", Frontiers of Economics in China, 3(2):240-254.
Jin Chunyu, Zheng Tingguo, 2008, "Realized path analysis of spillover effect of industrial cluster", China-USA Business Review, 7(1): p34-42.