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2020.09 至今,厦门大学经济学院统计系、王亚南经济研究院,副教授(博士生导师,2021.09 至今)
2017.08 至 2020.08,厦门大学经济学院统计系、王亚南经济研究院,助理教授
(指导学生: *; 通讯作者: ✉)
[11] Baohao Wei*, Dongsheng Tu, Chunlin Wang✉ (2024+). A semi-parametric approach to receiver operating characteristic analysis with semi-continuous biomarker. Submitted.
[10] Qiyin Zheng*, Chunlin Wang✉ (2024+). Multiply robust estimation for two-part regression models with missing semi-continuous response. Submitted.
[9] Weixuan Zhu, Tiantian Zuo*, Chunlin Wang✉ (2024+). Approximate Bayesian computation with semiparametric density ratio model. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, in press.
[8] Chunlin Wang, Zheyu Liu*, Xinyu Wang* (2024). Using a monotonic density ratio model to increase the power of goodness-of-fit test for logistic regression model with case-control data. Statistics in Medicine, 43(22): 4272-4286.
[7] Chunlin Wang, Pengfei Li, Yukun Liu, Xiao-Hua Zhou, Jing Qin (2023). Hypothesis test on a mixture forward-incubation-time epidemic model with application to COVID-19 outbreak. Statistica Sinica, 34(4): 2219-2236.
[6] Chunlin Wang, Paul Marriott, Pengfei Li (2022). A note on the coverage behaviour of bootstrap percentile confidence intervals for constrained parameters. Metrika, 85(7): 809-831.
[5] Meng Yuan, Chunlin Wang✉, Boxi Lin, Pengfei Li (2022). Semiparametric inference on general functionals of two semicontinuous populations. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 74(3): 451-472.
[4] Chunlin Wang, Dongsheng Tu (2020). A bootstrap semiparametric homogeneity test for the distributions of multi-group proportional data, with applications to analysis of quality of life outcomes in clinical trials. Statistics in Medicine, 39(12): 1715-1731.
[3] Chunlin Wang, Paul Marriott, Pengfei Li (2018). Semiparametric inference on the means of multiple nonnegative distributions with excess zero observations. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 166: 182-197.
[2] Chunlin Wang, Paul Marriott, Pengfei Li (2017). Testing homogeneity for multiple nonnegative distributions with excess zero observations. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 114: 146-157.
[1] Chunlin Wang, Gemai Chen (2016). A new hybrid estimation method for the generalized Pareto distribution. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 45(14): 4285-4294.
[6] 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(24YJA910005):基于非随机缺失数据的不平等测度估计和统计推断研究,2024–2027
[5] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(12001454):基于密度比模型的半参数统计推断及其应用研究,2021–2023
[4] 福建省自然科学基金面上项目(2020J01031):一类半参数统计方法在诊断检验医学中的应用研究,2020–2023
[3] 统计与数据科学前沿理论及应用教育部重点实验室(华东师范大学)开放课题(KLATASDS2006):不可忽略缺失数据下回访信息辅助的半参数统计研究,2020–2022
[2] 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(19YJC910005):基尼系数的非参数与半参数统计推断研究,2019–2021
[1] 中央高校基本科研业务费(校长基金)项目(207220181043):经验似然方法及其在半连续数据分析中的应用,2017–2020
非参数统计(本科;2021 & 2022 & 2024秋)
回归分析(本科;2020 & 2021 & 2023 & 2024秋)
数理统计(本科;2018 & 2019 & 2020 & 2021春)
硕士:侯曼洋(与刘婧媛老师合带),刘哲煜,邹霞(与谢天老师合带),孙涵頔,谢晓燕,马环宇(与方匡南老师合带),郑淇尹,严馨莹(与宋伟老师合带),王帆,吴辛哲 (在读),魏保昊(在读),吴欣(在读),卢思思(在读),王婷婷(在读),郑晗婷(在读)