2020-2025: Principal investigator for “A Study of Post-War British Novelists’ Writings of Space and Memory.” Grant from the Chinese National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science. (20www041)
2017-2020: Principal investigator for “A Study of Contemporary British Novelists’ Writings of Space and Memory.” Grant from the Presidential Fund of Xiamen University.
2012-2015: Principal investigator for “The Study on Muriel Spark’s Novels.” Grant from the Chinese National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science.
2010-2013: Co-investigator for “C. S. Lewis’s Literary Views.” Grant from Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China.
2010-2013: Co-investigator for “On the Study of Humor from Multi-Molding Perspectives. ” Grant from Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China.