Office Hours:周二14:30-17:00


A. 匿名评审论文(SSCI 

[1] Zhiwei Xu, Jianpo Xue, Zhewei Zhang, "Understanding the Disitributional Effects of Income Uncertainty Shocks", China Economic Review, accepted, 2025. 

[2] Fengqi Liu, Keqing Liu, Jianpo Xue, "Habit Formation and News-driven Business Cycles", Review of Economic Dynamics 56, 2025-04, 101273. 

[3] Kevin X.D. Huang, Qinglai Meng and Jianpo Xue, “Adjustment of Factor Income Tax Rates and Aggregate (In)stability", Macroeconomic Dynamics 28, 2024-06, 990-997. 

[4] Kevin X.D. Huang, Fengqi Liu, Qinglai Meng and Jianpo Xue, “Keeping up with the Joneses and the Consumption Response to Government Spending”, Economics Letters 220, 2022-09, 110869. 

[5] Jianpo Xue, Chong K. Yip and Junwei Zheng, “Innovation Capability, Credit Constraint and the Cyclicality of R&D Investment”, Economics Letters 199, 2021-02, 109725. 

[6] Kevin X.D. Huang, Qinglai Meng and Jianpo Xue, “Money Growth Targeting and Indeterminacy in Small Open Economies”, Economic Theory 68, 2019-10, 499-535. (Lead article) 

[7] Jianpo Xue and Chong K. Yip, “Balanced-Budget Rules and Aggregate Instability: The Role of Consumption Taxes in a Monetary Economy”, Pacific Economic Review 24, 2019-08, 403-415. (Lead article)

[8] Kevin X.D. Huang, Qinglai Meng and Jianpo Xue, “Balanced-Budget Rules and Aggregate Instability: The Role of Endogenous Capital Utilization”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 50, 2018, 1669-1709. (Lead article)

[9] Jianpo Xue and Chong K. Yip, “Home Production, Balanced-Budget Taxation and Economic (In)Stability”, Journal of Macroeconomics 56, 2018, 231-242. 

[10] Kevin X.D. Huang, Qinglai Meng and Jianpo Xue, “Balanced-Budget Income Taxes and Aggregate Stability in a Small Open Economy”, Journal of International Economics 105, 2017, 90-101.

[11] Qinglai Meng and Jianpo Xue, “Balanced-Budget Consumption Taxes and Aggregate Stability in a Small Open Economy”, Economics Letters 137, 2015, 214-217. 

[12] Jianpo Xue and Chong K. Yip, “Balanced-Budget Rules, Elasticity of Substitution and Macroeconomic (In)Stability”, Journal of Public Economic Theory 17, 2015, 196-218. 

[13] Jianpo Xue and Chong K. Yip, “Factor Substitution and Taxation in a Finance Constrained Economy”, Journal of Mathematical Economics 55, 2014, 101-112. 

[14] Jianpo Xue and Chong K. Yip, “Aggregate Elasticity of Substitution and Economic Growth: A Synthesis”, Journal of Macroeconomics 38, 2013, 60-75.

[15] Bruce McGough, Qinglai Meng and Jianpo Xue, “Expectational Stability of Sunspot Equilibria in Non-Convex Economies”, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 37, 2013, 1126-1141. 

[16] Jianpo Xue and Chong K. Yip, “Factor Substitution and Economic Growth: A Unified Approach”, Macroeconomic Dynamics 16, 2012, 625-656. 

[17] Kevin X.D. Huang, Qinglai Meng and Jianpo Xue, “Is Forward-Looking Inflation Targeting Destabilizing? The Role of Policy's Response to Current Output under Endogenous Investment”. Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 33, 2009, 409-430.  

B. 中文论文

[1] 洪永淼,刘俸奇,薛涧坡#:《政府与市场心理因素的经济影响及其测度》,《管理世界》,2023年第3期,30-48

[2] 李戎,刘岩,彭俞超,许志伟,薛涧坡:《动态随机一般均衡模型在中国的研究进展与展望》,《经济学(季刊)》,2022年第22卷第6期,1829-1846

[3] 陈彦斌,洪永淼#,黄少安,刘金全,吕炜,宋峥,田国强,万广华,薛涧坡#,张晓波:《中国经济发展规律原创性研究》,《管理科学学报》,2021年第8期,84-90

[4] 洪永淼#、薛涧坡:《中国经济发展规律研究与研究范式变革》,《中国科学基金》,2021年第3期,368-373  

[5] 任之光、薛涧坡#、洪永淼、汪寿阳:《新时代经济科学的学科布局与顶层设计:国家自然科学基金经济科学学科申请代码调整的逻辑和内容》,《管理世界》,2021年第3期,1-8+50+1

[6] 洪永淼、汪寿阳、任之光、薛涧坡#、钟秋萍:《“十四五”经济科学发展战略研究背景与论证思路》,《管理科学学报》,2021年第2期,1-13

[7] 薛涧坡、许志伟、刘岩#、李戎:《后疫情时代宏观经济学中政府角色的思考》,《经济评论》,2020年第4期,36-39 

C. 其它论文

[1] Theodore Palivos, Jianpo Xue and Chong K. Yip, “Illegal Immigration, Factor Substitution and Economic Growth”, in de La Grandville (ed.), Frontiers of Economics and Globalization 11, 2011, 455-482.

D. 著作

[1] 洪永淼,汪寿阳,白重恩,薛涧坡,吴刚,《经济科学“十四五”发展战略与优先资助领域研究报告》,20237月,科学出版社,40万字。