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    • 教授 博士生导师
    • 电子邮箱:
    • 所在单位:教育研究院
    • 职务:副院长
    • 学历:博士研究生毕业
    • 联系方式:0592-2187570
    • 主要任职:教育研究院
    • 毕业院校:北京师范大学





    当前位置: 中文主页 >> 代表性论文

    王树涛, 顾建民. 国际教育科学研究范式的演变与趋势——基于20102019年文献计量的分析, 教育研究, 2020-09-28, 488, 9, 135-145.

    毛亚庆, 王树涛. 论知识范式的转型与大学发展[J].教育研究, 2008, 342, 7, 49-53.

    Wang S., Zhang D.* The impact of perceived social support on students' pathological internet use: The mediating effect of perceived personal discrimination and moderating effect of emotional intelligence, Computers in Human Behavior, 2020-05-01, 106.

    Wang S., Zhang D.* Perceived teacher feedback and academic performance: the mediating effect of learning engagement and moderating effect of assessment characteristics, ASSESSMENT & EVALUATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 2020-10-02, 45, 7, 973-987.

    Lin L., Wang S.* Chinas Higher Education Policy Change from 211 Project and 985 Project to the Double-first-class Plan: Applying Kingdon's Multiple streams Framework, Higher Education Policy, 2021-02.

    Wang S., Zhang D.* The impact of time while boarding on students' academic achievement and social emotional competence: A propensity score matching analysis, STUDIES IN EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION, 2020-06-01, 65, 07.

    Wang S., Zhang D.* Student-centred teaching, deep learning and self-reported ability improvement in higher education: Evidence from Mainland China, INNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AND TEACHING INTERNATIONAL, 2019-09-03, 56, 5, 581-593.

    Huang C., Wang S.,* Su J., Zhao P. A Social Network Analysis of Changes in China's Education Policy Information Transmission System (1978-2013), Higher Education Policy, 2020-06, 33, 02, 323-345.

    Wang S.* How Does Principals' Transformational Leadership Impact Students' Modernity? A Multiple Mediating Model, EDUCATION AND URBAN SOCIETY, 2021-05-01, 53, 04, 425-445.

    Wang S.* School heads' transformational leadership and students' modernity: the multiple mediating effects of school climates, ASIA PACIFIC EDUCATION REVIEW, 2019-09-01, 20, 3, 329-341.

    Huang, Cui; Yang, Chao*; Wang, Shutao; Wu, Wei; Su, Jun; Liang, Chuying, Evolution of topics in education research: a systematic review using bibliometric analysis, Educational Review, 2020-03.

    Yang C., Huang C.,* Su J., Wang S. Topic analysis of academic disciplines based on prolific and authoritative researchers, LIBRARY HI TECH, 2021-06.

    Wang S.,* Xie F. The Impact of Perceived Personal Discrimination on Problem Behavior of Left-Behind Children: A Moderated Mediating Effect Model, Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 2021-08, 52, 04, 709-718.

    Wang S., Mao Y.* The effect of boarding on campus on left-behind children's sense of school belonging and academic achievement: Chinese evidence from propensity score matching analysis, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 2018-10, 38, 03, 378-393.

    王树涛, 鲍俊威. 人工智能教育社会实验:诠释与建构[J].电化教育研究, 2023, 44, 4, 33-38+45.

    王树涛, 宋文红, 张德美. 大学生课程学习经验与教育收获:基于深度学习的中介效应检验, 电化教育研究, 2015, 4.

    王树涛, 张德美. 金融危机后世界一流大学经费来源结构变化及启示,国家教育行政学院学报,2014, 9.

    田立新, 王树涛. 我国研究型大学的精英教育:内涵、使命与路径——基于大众化阶段的思考,教育发展研究,2014,7.

    王树涛, 张德美. 金融危机后哈佛大学的捐赠基金运作改革研究,复旦教育论坛,2014,5第一作者

    王树涛, 田立新. 论大学组织的不确定性与教师管理困境,江苏高教, 2013, 5.

    王树涛, 田立新. 美国公立高等教育市场化改革的反思与启示,中国高等教育, 2013, 22.

    王树涛, 毛亚庆. 硕士研究生科研自我效能感的实证研究,学位与研究生教育, 2013, 6.

    王树涛, 毛亚庆. 硕士研究生科研自我效能感评价指标体系的实证研究,研究生教育研究, 2013, 5.

    王树涛, 鲍俊威. 数字技术赋能城乡义务教育共治:理论机理与实现路径[J].中国远程教育, 2022, 575, 12, 26-34+83.

    王树涛, 陈瑶瑶. 美国教育人工智能的战略、应用与发展策略, 当代教育与文化, 2020-09-25, 12, 5, 17-25.

    毛亚庆, 王树涛*. 西部农村处境不利儿童的就读经验现状及政策建议, 新华文摘/教育学报, 2017-06, 13, 03, 48-56.

    王树涛. 美国K-12学校氛围改进:重点、标准及实施策略, 比较教育研究, 2018-02, 337, 02, 36-42.

    王树涛, 毛亚庆. 我国义务教育阶段公平有质量学校教育的区域均衡研究, 人大复印资料/现代教育管理, 2018, 2, 51-55.

    王树涛, 田立新. 校长领导方式与学生现代性发展:以西部学校为对象, 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2016, 1, 84-89.

    王树涛, 毛亚庆. 农村学校布局调整政策逻辑的反思与重构, 教育发展研究, 2015, 10.(人大复印资料全文转载)