Zhu Chengxiang
Education Level:博士研究生毕业
Alma Mater:University of Stuttgart
Paper Publications
QRF,Zhu Chengxiang.Lattice boltzmann simulation for supersonic/hypersonic compressible flows.21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, Hypersonics 2017,
Zhu Chengxiang,YYC,An inverse design tool for two-dimensional blade generation in aerospace engineering education.Computer Applications in Engineering Education,27(2):380-386.
Zhu Chengxiang,YYC,Design of a Three-Dimensional Hypersonic Inward-Turning Inlet with Tri-Ducts for Combined Cycle Engines.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING,2018
Zhu Chengxiang,Analysis on the performance of a hypersonic inward turning inlet with three combined channels.Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC,149094-9099.
Zhu Chengxiang,YYC,Investigation of adaptive slot control method for starting characteristics of hypersonic inlets.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering,233(11):4261-4271.
Zhu Chengxiang.Thermal insulation characteristics of high-temperature heat seals for hypersonic aero-engines.Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2566(1):
Zhu Chengxiang,高超声速进气道的裂解碳氢燃料提前喷注研究.推进技术,第39卷(第1期):196-202.
YYC,Zhu Chengxiang.Local-turning osculating cones method for waverider design.AIAA Journal,58(8):3499-3513.
Zhu Chengxiang,Fluid Dynamic Analysis on the Adaptive Slot Method of Hypersonic Inlets.PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MODELLING, SIMULATION AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (MSAM2017),132143-146.
YYC,Zhu Chengxiang.Second-order curved shock theory.Journal of Fluid Mechanics,891-.