Zhu Chengxiang
Education Level:博士研究生毕业
Alma Mater:University of Stuttgart
Scientific Research
Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
- No content
Paper Publications
- QRF,Zhu Chengxiang.Lattice boltzmann simulation for supersonic/hypersonic compressible flows.21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, Hypersonics 2017,
- Zhu Chengxiang,YYC,An inverse design tool for two-dimensional blade generation in aerospace engineering education.Computer Applications in Engineering Education,27(2):380-386.
- Zhu Chengxiang,YYC,Design of a Three-Dimensional Hypersonic Inward-Turning Inlet with Tri-Ducts for Combined Cycle Engines.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING,2018
- Zhu Chengxiang,Analysis on the performance of a hypersonic inward turning inlet with three combined channels.Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC,149094-9099.
- Zhu Chengxiang,YYC,Investigation of adaptive slot control method for starting characteristics of hypersonic inlets.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering,233(11):4261-4271.
Published Books
Research Projects
- 基于复合曲率的三维弯曲激波边界层干扰及其调控机制研究,在研,数理科学部,Zhu Chengxiang,朱呈祥,施崇广,郑晓刚,徐珂靖
- 超音速民机音爆典型研究模型验证确认计算与低音爆动力布局方案设计评估研究,已结题,中国航空研究院,Zhu Chengxiang,朱呈祥,尤延铖,黄玥,朱剑锋,吴了泥,郭志明,赖凌宇,郑晓刚,施崇广,张海峰
- GZH0203B机身内流道一体化方案设计方法研究,在研,中国航空工业集团程度飞机设计研究所,Zhu Chengxiang,陈荣钱,朱呈祥,施崇广,周驯黄,尤延铖,李怡庆,郑晓刚,滕健
- 空天飞行器与动力系统一体化设计技术研究,已验收,Zhu Chengxiang,朱呈祥,尤延铖,郑晓刚,杨日炯,李铭峰
- 福建省通用航空发动机产业的战略性发展分析研究,在研,政策法规处,Zhu Chengxiang,吴猛,朱呈祥,尤延铖,李涛,陈荣钱,李怡庆