曹雪萌 Assistant Professor
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Research Field
Paper Publications
曹雪萌 (2022).日记研究法及其对中国大学生学情研究的意义与启示. 江苏高教, 258(08), 70-76..
Zhou, X., Zhang, L., & Cao, X. (2022). High-impact educational practices: participation of Chinese and American undergraduates during the COVID-19 pandemic. Asia Pacific Education Review, 1-15..
Cao, X., & Henderson, E. F. (2021). The interweaving of diaries and lives: diary-keeping behaviour in a diary- interview study of international students’ employability management. Qualitative Research, 21(6), 829-845..
Published Books
Cao, X. & Henderson, E. F. (2021). Exploring Diary Methods in Higher Education Research: Opportunities, Choices and Challenges. London: Routledge..2021
参著:Cao, X. (2022). How the ‘caring chain’ impacts capabilities of studying abroad, overseas experience and career decisions: A narrative analysis about a Chinese single mother. In Hook, G., Moreau, M-P. & Brooks, R. (eds.) Student Carers in Higher Education: Navigating, resisting and redefining academic cultures. London: Routledge, pp.106-120..2022
Research Projects