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[1] CXM,中国一流大学个性化教育的理论基础与现实困境.复旦教育论坛,2024,2024年第3期(2024年第3期):2024年第3期.
[2] 中国一流大学个性化教育的理论基础与现实困境.复旦教育论坛,2024,
[3] 曹雪萌 (2022).日记研究法及其对中国大学生学情研究的意义与启示. 江苏高教, 258(08), 70-76..
[4] Zhou, X., Zhang, L., & Cao, X. (2022). High-impact educational practices: participation of Chinese and American undergraduates during the COVID-19 pandemic. Asia Pacific Education Review, 1-15..
[5] Cao, X., & Henderson, E. F. (2021). The interweaving of diaries and lives: diary-keeping behaviour in a diary- interview study of international students’ employability management. Qualitative Research, 21(6), 829-845..
[6] Cao, X. (2021). Researcher-participant ‘win-win’ in diary research: Participant recruitment and retention in a longitudinal diary-interview study on employability management. In Cao, X. & Henderson, E. F. (eds.) Exploring Diary Methods in Higher Education Research: Opportunities, Choices and Challenges. London: Routledge, pp.73-86..
[7] Cao, X. & Henderson, E. F. (2021). Introduction: The (re)naissance of diary method research in and beyond. higher education studies. In Cao, X. & Henderson, E. F. (eds.) Exploring Diary Methods in Higher Education Research: Opportunities, Choices and Challenges. London: Routledge, pp.1-12..
[8] Liu, Q., Cao, X., & Wang, C. (2021). Graduate Education of Christian Universities in Modern China: A Case Study of Nanking University. Religions, 12(12), 1095-1110..
[9] Henderson, E. F., Cao. X. & Mansuy, J. (2018). In two places at once: the impact of caring responsibilities on academic's conference participation: final project report. Coventry: Centre for Education Studies, University of Warwick. Available at: http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/103314/.
[10] Cao, X. (2017). Enhancing the employability of Chinese international students: identifying achievements and gaps in the research field. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 5(1), 77-89..
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